I am a creature of habit. Every night, I get cleaned up for bed, write, read a devotional, and then maybe watch some reels or scroll through social media before my eyes become too heavy.
Most of the reels are funny, showing the latest trend that everyone seems to be doing. But, one night, as I watched with half-opened eyes, there was one short clip that touched my heart.
The video went into detail about how flamingos lose their pink hue when they are caring for young offspring. So, naturally, my science and animal loving mind had to find out if this was true. Reels aren’t necessarily a trusted source of information now, are they?
After some research, I found it to be true! I won’t bore you with the long explanation so here’s the short version. As the mother feeds its young with its body, the loss of nutrients causes its vibrant pink color to fade to gray. As the baby bird gains more independence and eats on its own, the mama flamingo regains its colorful hues.
Now, this is where the video hit home.
They related the flamingos to human mothers. Maybe you’re still questioning why I got so emotional over some birds but hang in there. Let me explain.
Just like the mother flamingo loses her pink hue as she sacrifices for her young, so do moms for their children. However, instead of losing the vibrant colors of our feathers, we can lose ourselves. Our identities, joy, passion, motivation…
Every day, moms sacrifice so much: their time, energy, bodies, money, and hobbies. Honestly, I don’t remember the last meal I ate hot or didn’t have to share with toddler hands. As moms of little ones, we don’t eat, sleep, or even use the bathroom on our own schedule. We live by the timing decided by people who have only been on this earth for months or maybe a couple years.
Eventually, all of this leads to bigger sacrifices.
At the end of the day, you don’t have anything left to give yourself or your husband. Your relationship with your husband could suffer. He wants your attention, love, and time just like everyone else. And, let’s be honest here, after the kids are in bed, there are some nights where we just want to be left alone!
Maybe your friendships aren’t where they used to be or your career is on hold while the kids are little.
You’re overstimulated, touched out, and exhausted.
Raising children is one of the most exhausting jobs in the entire world. However, let’s not forget, it’s also the most rewarding job.
I know the days are hard and the nights are long, mama. The light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away, if it’s even there at all. But don’t let your tired mind fool you into thinking there’s no hope.
You’re not alone in your feelings and you most definitely are not a bad mom for needing a break!
As a mom who has endured endless mom guilt, burn out, and bad mental health, here are some tips to regain some of those beautiful colors of yours:
-Take some time for yourself.
It doesn’t have to be a weekend getaway or even an entire afternoon. Just take an hour or two to do something for yourself. For me, it’s going to the bookstore or getting a coffee. (Even better, combine the two! Thank the Lord for coffee shops in bookstores!) Do something you enjoy.
-Accept help.
I know, I know. It was difficult just typing those words. This is something I still struggle with and have had to force myself to allow. Whether it’s your husband, family members, or friends, allow the people who love you to help you during this time. It doesn’t make you weak. It makes you loved and supported.
-Stay connected with God.
This is the best tip I could possibly give you for any problem you could ever have. There is no better way to recharge your batteries than to lean on God. It’s amazing the weight lifted off your shoulders by simply listening to your favorite worship song, going to church, or just praying to God as you go about your day.
You’re doing a great job! No matter how drained or empty you feel now, there is hope. One day when your kids are grown, you’ll look back at these days, smile at the chaos, and miss it.
You’ll get your pink back, mama. I know it.
**Need a mental break? Grab one of my books for an uplifting escape or find encouragement in more devotions at https://proverbs31.org/read/devotions (One of my favorite online devotions!)