It’s not a religion. It’s a relationship.
Growing up in church, I heard this from my parents countless times. They were the youth leaders at my church for years. Because religion isn’t something that teenagers go crazy over, teaching this idea to the kids who frequented our church was important. It was a way to explain being a Christian as something real, meaningful, and wonderful.
The world has made Christianity everything it was never meant to be: hypocritical, judgmental, and ritualistic. They claim to be Godly people just because they warm the pews on Sundays. Scripture is memorized, the Lord’s supper is taken, and tithe is given. They go through the motions but their hearts are empty. That’s not what Christ intended!
Christ wants an intimate relationship with you.
In the Bible, the church is referred to as the bride of Christ on several occasions. Husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loves the church. So, why wouldn’t we treat our relationship with Christ as one would a marriage?
Successful marriages take a lot of hard work and so does our relationship with Christ. How do we nurture this relationship then? As Christians, what do we need to do to maintain a healthy, happy relationship? Let’s look at it from a marriage perspective.
Here’s where marriage and our relationship with Christ collide.
If we want a relationship with Christ as He intended, here are a few things that must be done:
-Talk to Christ.
What relationship has ever existed where you never talk to one another? Would you be happy if you and your spouse never talked? Relationships need communication! Pray to God, not only with requests but with praise and everyday thoughts.
-Know Him.
We don’t (or at least shouldn’t) get married to complete strangers! If we want a relationship with Christ, we have to learn about Him and know Him deeply. There is no better way to know Christ than to read the Bible. It not only tells of His life on earth but also his promises for our future. The Bible is His love letter to us. Why wouldn’t we read something so beautiful?
-Spend time together.
There are countless ways you can spend time with Christ. It could be reading a devotion, completing a Bible study, or going to church. Dr. Tony Evans put it best when he said, “I hear people say, ‘I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian,’ and they are absolutely right. Salvation is through faith alone in Christ alone. But you don’t have to go home to be married, but stay away long enough and your relationship will be affected.”
-Listen to Him.
I know what you’re probably thinking. Christ doesn’t speak directly to us. There is no phone number to call or address to send a letter. How wonderful would that be! But there are ways that Christ speaks to us. We just need to listen! Maybe it’s in the calling He has put on your life or the convictions you feel daily. That’s His voice leading you down the correct path to Him.
-Express your love for Christ.
What marriage has ever lasted without an expression of love for each other? The same can be said of our relationship with Christ. We can best express our love for Him through praise and worship. Use simple words of praise to express your love and gratitude. And, I don’t know about you, but the moments where I have felt Christ the most is during unashamed worship. Crank up that favorite worship song and sing of your love for Him!
-Trust Him.
There is no marriage without trust. Not a happy or healthy one anyway. For a relationship to thrive, its foundation must be supported with trust! Lean on Christ during difficult times. Trust Him to provide for you even when times are hard and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Most of all, trust that He is a good God even when your prayers seem unanswered and bad things are happening. The situation might not be good but our God is.
Make your own list!
My list doesn’t include every aspect of a healthy relationship but it’s a start. Feel free to add to my list with your ideas! Your relationship with Christ is unique. It doesn’t have to be the same as everyone else.
So, stop looking at Christianity as an outdated, strict religion and discover what it was supposed to be: a beautiful love story with Christ.
Here’s a couple of my current favorite ways to feel close to God:
- My favorite worship song right now is Yet by The King Will Come
- A devotional that is always so relatable and uplifting:
- Making prayer a reflex instead of panic
- Letting the worship music at church wash over me without fear of others’ judgment
- Writing Christian fiction has been a game changer! I get to learn from God just like my characters and depend on Him to tell the story. Check out my books here!