Asking God Why

Asking God Why

Kassandra Garrison

Asking God Why

If you’re familiar at all with my blog, you know that most of the lessons God teaches me are learned through daily life.  Sometimes these life moments are big events and other times, they are small occurrences in my daily routine as a mom.  Prepare yourself for the latter.

In her short life, my three-year-old daughter has already taught me countless lessons.  And while I am the parent, there are times when I wonder if she’s teaching me more than I have taught her. 

This lesson was not given through a big Hallmark-ish moment where the both of us were left in happy tears and everyone joyfully ate their vegetables.  Actually, it’s the opposite. 

It’s one tiny word:  Why.

If you’re a parent (especially of girls), you know where I’m going with this.  That’s right.  My three-year-old daughter has entered her “Why?” stage. 

The list of why’s is extremely varied.  It could range from asking why she needs to go potty before we leave the house to why are there other people at the store.  Some questions are about such basic concepts that I struggle to break it down further.  As I write this, I’m thinking of an example just today of her asking why I had to cook supper.  The topic went a lot deeper than you’d think.

This current phase of her life is of no surprise to me. 

First off, I am a person who always wants to know the reasoning behind anything.  My mind works better when I know the why behind it.

Secondly, my mom warned me this would happen.  Again, if you’ve followed me for very long, you’ll know I think the world of my mom.  She’s wise, patient, and the best friend anyone could ask for.  As she warned me about this era of my motherhood, she also reminded me that my daughter isn’t questioning my authority when she constantly asks why.  She’s trying to learn and figure everything out. 

This is something I have to remind myself every day because after the millionth why of the afternoon, it starts to get a little wearing.  Though I try with all of my might to remain patient and keep my irritation internal, there’s a part of me that sighs in relief when her daddy gets off work and the whys are split in half. 

It was as I took a deep breath and answered yet another question from my daughter that I realized how God must feel when we barrage him with incessant questioning. 

  • “Why is this happening?”
  • “After all my effort, why did this not happen?”
  • “Why would you allow this bad thing to happen?”

I could go on and on (from my own experience). 

Does God take a deep breath at the end of the day when we ask yet another question?  Does He shake His head as the questions never stop?

While I’m sure that anyone would love having their questions answered by God in conversation, what He wants is for us to trust Him. 

I’m currently in a time of waiting.  Waiting for answers about the present and future.  Waiting for God to show me what He wants for me to do. 

And though I haven’t received an answer yet, this time of waiting has been one of the greatest spiritual moments of my life.  I’ve been forced to give up control and trust in God.

I’m not going to lie to you.  It’s one of the hardest things I’ve had to do and my list of questions has been long.  But after all my questions have been asked and I’m waiting on God’s answers, He has taught me something that I wouldn’t give up for all the pain, frustration, and anxiety I have endured over the past years of waiting. 

I might not know the why, but I trust the Who.

Whether you’re in a season of waiting, mourning, dreaming, or contentedness, I hope you find peace.  Not in the answers but in the searching.  That’s when we draw closest to Him.

God is working in the waiting.

For more of my writing, find other blog posts here or get lost in one of my books!

Here’s one of my favorite worship songs right now that has helped me during this time of waiting and wondering.  I hope it touches your heart as well.

Asking God Why Scripture